Our Champions of 2015

Archive for December, 2011

Are you worried for Manchester Lollipop?

New Years Eve is looming and Lollipop and I planning where to party, what to buy in the sales, what to wear. We’re hardly thinking about what’s going on just a few miles away from us in Salford where Manchester police are holding four teens in custody in connection with the murder of an Indian university student. Anuj Bidve was shot in the head at point blank range in the early hours of Boxing Day in Ordsall, Salford.

My Lollipop hasn’t even read the headlines. She’s too absorbed by the Winter sales online to even glance at my copy of the Guardian.

“Are you not surprised that this has happened so near by Lollipop? We were just driving through Salford on Boxing Day.”

“What are you on about now sis?”

“The Salford shooting. The Guardians reports: “Anuj Bidve, 23, was gunned down as he walked from a budget Salford hotel with nine friends and fellow students towards central Manchester, eager to queue for early-morning bargains.” How horrific.”

“It does sound pretty bad, who killed him?”

“Well the police have arrested two male adults and two teens aged 16 and 17. The same age as you Lollipop.”

“That’s crazy. If they’re found guilty there lives are basically over at 16. I know there my age but I can’t even relate to them or what they’ve done.”

“I know. I just don’t understand why and neither do police. Although it was a random attack they haven’t ruled out racial motives. The shooting is not thought to be gang related either.”

“I don’t think it was a racist attack. It was just mindless violence.”

“Yeah like most incidents this year. People have gone mad. I just hope Manchester doesn’t get labelled as a rough place to live in.”

“It wont. I’m still going out shopping tomorrow to find the best bargains. I’m not worried about how safe my city is,” says Lollipop.

I sigh and just hope others feel the same as her. With the Summer riots hitting Salford and Manchester and killings like this making headlines, people are becoming more apprehensive or concerned about the place we call home.

“I heart Manchester” is still plastered all over the city but do others feel the same? In particular those journalists and producers against the BBC moving to Media City in Salford Quays. When they watch the news tonight what will they think of Salford? What will they think of Manchester? What will they think of us?

In these recessive times we can’t have a ‘who cares’ attitude anymore. We need world renowned businesses like the BBC to invest in Manchester and create more jobs. So let’s hope many are as likeminded as my Lollipop and wont let such killings affect our city.

“Right Lollipop?”

“OMG the Creepers that I want are reduced in the sale. I have to buy them!”

“As long as you’re not using my card, I don’t care.”

How Corrupt are our schools Lollipop?



How Corrupt are our schools Lollipop?


